The best note taking, programmer’s notebook, markdown editor, period.
Quiver... The ultimate programmers notepad and Markdown editor rises above the rest. Firstly, the concept of "cells" within each note is amazing. I love being able to add a Markdown note and then a beautifully formatted code block right below it. And I find that in larger files, the use of multiple cells makes it lightning fast where other Mardown editors would chug.
And secondly, the "scroll sync" between edit and preview windows...... I cant stress enough how great Quiver solves this problem.
When I dove into LightPaper this was one of my biggest problems. Youd scroll in the edit window and would not see the corresponding spot in the preview pane.
I have intensely vetted LightPaper, Write, Ulysees, Mou, Atom and many more and landed on Quiver with great hopes that the developer will produce an iOS version.
By the way, I use Quiver with Boxcryptor/Dropbox so my Quiver library saves to Dropbox fully encrypted and is available as JSON files when I decrypt it with Boxcryptor on my iPhone. Its super sick.
Mitch Florida about
Quiver - take better notes